The Long's

The Long's
Wind River Ranch - where our journey to Chazz began!

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Ahhh!  So wonderful to finally hear.  I logged onto our agencies portal message place and saw the announcement!  Our dossier is on its way to China today!  That is incredible news.  Now we wait for China to translate and officially log it into their system.  We'll receive what they call our LID - log in date.  Then it will get reviewed and officially matched with our son.  They'll issue our LOA - Letter of Approval - and the fun will begin!  That's when we'll get to apply for our Visas and something else and await for the most important news....TA (travel approval).  My best guess is February and Jerry says April.  Can you guess who the optimist and pessimist are in our family!  Jerry says he's actually a realist.  Today we applied for Hanna's passport and it should come in around mid-December.  It's starting to get fun! :)

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Dossier complete

Finally, finally, our dossier is complete and is in Grand Rapids.  We waited from August 12 until September for our final documentation -approval from the USCIS. but it finally came.  I had to send the rest of our dossier to Grand Rapids the end of August to get authenticated early, or we were going to have to redo several pieces.  Not a huge problem, just extra money.  Now, we're waiting to hear that our dossier is on its way to China.  I hope we'll hear that in less than a few weeks. Then we will hear from China that they received it, reviewed it, and matched it with Chazz.  That could takes a few months.  Our timeline really hasn't changed.  We're still uncertain of travel, but our best guess is January to April of 2014.  Since my last post, Chazz has turned 8!  We can't wait to announce to the world he's our son and more importantly send him a package to let him know he has a family!  It's amazing to see how God has been working all along.  I need to remember that He's in charge and His plan is ultimately better than mine.  I'm still a work in progress!  No pictures yet, but soon!  Keep checking back