The Long's

The Long's
Wind River Ranch - where our journey to Chazz began!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Spring Break

Wow, what a week it has been. We are so thankful for God's awesome timing. I'm quite sure I never would have been able to get all that I've gotten done to travel if I would have been working.  My list has gotten longer, but I'm almost to the point where I can sit here and relax, for a few minutes anyway.  My dining room table is full of things that we need to pack. We are really hoping to get everything in 2 suitcases and then bring backpacks. We've checked the weather, and oh goodness, summer has arrived!  We are thinking we'll mainly pack shorts, which take up less space!

We don't have our final in country itinerary, but hopefully Monday or Tuesday!  We leave Wednesday, fly to Chicago, then on to Shanghai. We will get there on Thursday afternoon (long flight - 12 hour time difference, but still long).  We will be in Shanghai until Sunday, Easter, then we fly to Shenyang.  We are so excited to meet our son!  We know we have to be in Guangzhou on April 29 for our consulate appointment, so I'm guessing we'll get there on April 27.  On the 30th, we will go to HongKong and finally come home on May 2.  It will be so wonderful to be home with our 4 kids!  Wow, 4 kids!

We are both working Monday and Tuesday, so we wanted to have everything ready before then. Goodness, it is so hard to believe that in just over 1 week, I'm going to meet and hug the son I've prayed for since 2010!

Update: 1 suitcase packed!


  1. Hi Jennifer
    Expect to face dust storms in Shenyang - a colleague flew there last weekend and had to wear a face mask.

  2. Oh goodness, thanks for the heads up. Are you back home now? We are so excited to leave tomorrow! We get Chazz on Monday!
