The Long's

The Long's
Wind River Ranch - where our journey to Chazz began!

Friday, April 18, 2014


Dinosaur in Chicago

Getting ready for the long flight
Writing in her travel diary in Chicago
My sweets


  1. I'm so happy you are on your way to get our boy!! Just be careful, have a great trip and a good time. Tell Hanna she better come back to me and eat some dumplings for me!!

  2. It must now be 4pm on Sunday so you must be in Shenyang. Best of luck for the morning. I would not be surprised if Ming Jian will brake down or be very shy initially. Hopefully the civil affairs office is not too noisy for him. He will work it out. I don't know the name of his ayi but she seemed lovely.

    Counting down until we can see a lovely photo of you all together!
    Best of luck from Australia,
    Kym xoxoxoxo

  3. Your journery has been very interresting and you and your family are so deserving of the very best!!!!!!!!!!!
